Archive: DIDS 2013

DIDS 2013
The fourth annual conference DIDS 2013, dedicated to the development of Internet in the world and in national .RS and .СРБ domain spaces, was held on 18 April in Belgrade’s hotel „Moskva“ . This year’s Serbian Internet Domain Names Day was attended by 20 participants from Serbia and abroad and more than 180 guests and journalists from 28 media companies and agencies.
As always, the Program of DIDS was divided into three sections and proceeded in the form of presentations, lectures and panel discussions.
DIDS 2013 was open to all the guests free of charge; however, since this event is intended primarily for the users of national Internet domains, only those who possessed е-mail addresses ending with .RS or .СРБ were able to register and attend the conference.
In cooperation with its media sponsors, RNIDS provided a live video streaming of the conference on seven Internet locations (including the websites of the national televisions RTS and B-92 and newspaper Blic). DIDS 2013 had a total of 21 media sponsors and the event was mentioned in the media 116 times: 77 news items appeared on the Internet, 8 on television, 8 on the radio, and 23 in the printed media (13 articles and 10 ads).
DIDS 2013 was prepared and organized by: Predrag Milićević, Dragana Pešić – Lević, Lazar Bošković, Miloje Sekulić, Vladimir Radunović, Dragana Vukajlović – Krstović, Aleksandar Kostadinović, Jovana Cvetković and their associates.
Program DIDS 2013
Moderator: Vladimir Radunović, Coordinator and lecturer in educational programs on Internet governance and policy, Diplo Foundation
Whom did Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, or Mark Zuckerberg ask whether or not they were allowed to invent TCP/IP, Google and Facebook? In today’s world, are the same principles important for the success of new services and freedom on the Internet: development at the ends of the network and oppenness dictated by the market instead of regulation? Are these principles even relistic in today’s Internet world of almost two billion inhabitants that is full of distrust, cyber-attacks, censorship and violations of privacy? To which extent are our safety and the safety of our surroundings jeopardized in cyber space, how, and why? Does this make us wish for other rules of the game – including strict legal regulation, and would this regulation threaten those proven principles of development? Who, and how, can establish national policies that will supplement the regulatory framework with other forms of strengthening of institutions and users (education, raising of awareness, technology, organizational policies) without endangering freedom and development? What do Europe and Serbia think about these issues?
- Aleksandar Popović, Acting Director, Register of National Internet Domain Names of Serbia,
Panel discussion:
- prof. Michael Rotert, director
ЕCO – Association of the German Internet Industry - Nevena Ružić, Assistant of General Secrtetary
Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection - Dejan Petkov, Technical Director
Singi Engineering
Moderator: Dragana Vukajlović Krstović
This section is about the local Internet experts who managed to present and confirm their business ideas on international as well as the local market. Apart from the idea, talent and hard work, did they need anything else? What did they start with, what were the obstacles they encountered and how they overcame them, what they needed to be able to transfrom their ideas into sustainable business models? Today, they are enjoying the fruits of their Internet businesses, but how was it at the beginning…
- Whose brand is this? – Lazar Džamić
Kitcatt Nohr Digitas, London
- Е-business: Continuing the business by other means – Dr Viktor Pocajt
Key to Metals AG, Switzerland - Starting a global IT business in Serbia: reality or myth? – Rade Joksimović
EarnCoupon - ManageWP – The easiest way to manage WordPress websites – Vladimir Prelovac
Prelovac Media
They made their entrance using the Serbian Internet space, advanced their business operations, developed entirely new business processes, started their projects, promoted their ideas, introduced themselves… and they did all this on national .RS and .СРБ. Internet domains.
- Advantages of .RS domains
Moderator: Predrag Milićević
- A media empire on local domains – Ana Marković
Ringier Axel Springer - Toyota in Serbia, on Serbian domains – Aleksandra Graovac
Toyota Serbia - The Cyrillic .СРБ domain within the concept of SOC – Oliver Subotić
The Serbian Orthodox Church Center for Research and Utilization of Contemporary Technologies
Moderator: Miloje Sekulić
- Detozin – Miodrag Ristić
Printing plant „Deto“ - Internet portal „Animals“ – Vladimir Kovač
Creative Media Art - Ćirilovanje (Use of Cyrillic Alphabet) – Manuela Graf
Journalists’ Association of Serbia
ћириловање.срб - Designed – Dušan Vulović
Association “Serbian Design Platform” - Standup – Milica Mihailović
Organization „“