Daniela Andrović

Ms. Daniela Androvic is a Senior Advisor for ICT Systems Security at the National CERT in the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services – RATEL Serbia. She was engaged in the process of establishing Serbian National CERT, implementing a virtual platform for simulation of cyber attack and contributed in preparing the Model of Act on Cyber Security for Serbian public institutions. She is passionate about information technologies, its dynamic development and has 15 years of extensive experience in information technology. She is involved in technical trainings for public sector and she is a lecturer in the master’s degree studies at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Organisational Sciences, course Cyber security. She was a software developer with main project ISDACON, Information System for Coordination of the Development Assistance to the Republic of Serbia, developed for the purposes of Ministry of European Integration. She also has international working experience from the United Nations court of law in the Hague, the Netherlands.
Daniela is a graduated IT engineer with Master thesis in field of cybercrime. Her area of interests is focused on legal and technical aspects of digital forensics, cybercrime, public-private-academic partnership and enhancing cybersecurity skills through knowledge transfer.